# Active Fires I-band EDR # # source: AFIMG_j01_d20240513_t0627540_e0629185_b33595_c20240513065247806453_cspp_dev.nc # version: CSPP Active Fires version: 2.0.0 # # column 1: latitude of fire pixel (degrees) # column 2: longitude of fire pixel (degrees) # column 3: I04 brightness temperature of fire pixel (K) # column 4: Along-scan fire pixel resolution (km) # column 5: Along-track fire pixel resolution (km) # column 6: detection confidence ([7,8,9]->[lo,med,hi]) # column 7: fire radiative power (MW) # column 8: Persistent Anomaly # 0 - none # 1 - oil/gas # 2 - volcano # 3 - solar panel # 4 - urban (not in use) # 5 - unclassified # # number of fire pixels: 7 # 38.78036118, -79.39389038, 301.83929443, 0.375, 0.375, 8, 0.52247924, 5 37.18130112, -77.44952393, 302.57693481, 0.375, 0.375, 8, 1.35275948, 5 37.27142715, -80.00032806, 297.07125854, 0.375, 0.375, 8, 0.51116782, 5 37.23278046, -82.03829956, 295.22225952, 0.375, 0.375, 8, 0.89161837, 5 36.35556030, -76.80879974, 337.58862305, 0.375, 0.375, 8, 3.79711509, 5 36.35509109, -76.80371094, 321.66604614, 0.375, 0.375, 8, 5.33153677, 5 36.35603333, -76.81388855, 306.62188721, 0.375, 0.375, 8, 3.79711509, 5